I was left to contemplate my power and fear of it after a palpable reading with Lacey. Tears fled my eyes as though a dam had been released. It felt like I was finally given the permission I had been craving to feel and express the full spectrum of my emotions- conscious and subconsciouswithout casting a judgemental or shameful light on myself. I realized how often I was stifling my truth for the sake of "harmony" disguised as "empathy" and the false idea that remaining silent is somehow "virtuous," when in actuality, I was making myself smaller in order to avoid rejection from loved ones and the world. 

I realized I was hiding my magic/the thoughts that I reserved for a bastardized society, because I was afraid that what I had to say would upset others, and that I would be ostracised because of it. 

When I made this piece and released these thoughts onto paper, it became very clear that I was setting a spell of self-confidence and autonomy for myself AND the masses- and that something I can't look back on without swells of passion, pride, and peace. 

I now know that I've spent lifetimes holding my tongue out of fear of being killed for the truisms I've brought to life through art and sound. I know now that it is my duty to remind people of their personal power in much the same way that Lacey helped me unleash mine.


Lauren Wisesight


Cloud Whisperer